W skrócie
Location: Sullana, Peru
Impact Area: Suppliers, Environment, Climate Change
People Supported:
Remote Communities
Dołączył do NESsT Portfolio:
O przedsiębiorstwie
According to Peru's Ministry of the Environment, the country generates more than 21,600 metric tons of waste each day.
Plastic Corporation (Plastic Corp) was created in 2022 in response to the contamination suffered in the northern region of Peru from plastic waste caused primarily by discarded banana bags that are disposed of, burned off, or buried into the ground. The enterprise uses single-use plastic waste and reclaimed plant fibers as an alternative to lumber to make products such as furniture, playground equipment, and construction materials, contributing to a robust local circular economy.
Plastic Corp works directly with four associations of municipal recyclers, paying them fair prices for their raw waste materials and providing training in best recycling practices. The 150 recyclers that Plastic Corp supports are from marginalized backgrounds, and they collect and resell waste as supplementary income to their livelihood. Plastic Corp maintains close communication with the recyclers to ensure they apply a fair market value to the items being recycled and to provide training when necessary for the correct processes to treat and sort waste. It also works with small banana producing families from remote rural areas, who collect and sell plastic packaging to Plastic Corp, thereby increasing their household income.
Plastic Corp processes plastic waste at its plant in Sullana, Peru where it employs individuals from the local community, including Indigenous Peoples. Here, it produces a material called "plastic wood," which is harmless resistant to sunlight, rain, and shock. Additionally, plastic wood lasts longer than traditional wood harvested from the Amazon rainforest, allowing for stronger construction materials and avoiding cutting down trees. Plastic Corp’s plant produces 1.5 tons of plastic wood daily.
In addition to Plastic Corp’s circular economy structure, it also focuses on sustainable product design and education and awareness, providing training sessions on waste treatment to its local schools and broader community.
Rezultaty i wpływ
of management team is women
plastic recyclers supported by 2025
people from marginalized backgrounds expected to be employed by 2025
“Our alliance with NESsT is crucial for our growth as a company. Their technical assistance and continuous support in all areas and the challenges we face as entrepreneurs are helping us to optimize our operations, identify and quantify our socio-environmental impact, establish commercial strategies, and position ourselves as a company. This translates into greater income and possibilities for a more equitable society.”
Inwestycja NESsT
NESsT will accompany Plastic Corp in shaping its business strategy and managing its sales approach to strengthen its presence in the B2B market, focusing particularly on the construction sector. This support will allow Plastic Corp to diversify its customer portfolio and position itself in the market as a socially and environmentally responsible company and as an alternative to natural wood products.
Plastic Corp will create a long-term plan for working with recycling partners to secure stable supply and to monitor and manage its social impact. The enterprise will also improve the traceability of its environmental impact with user-friendly tracking tools, supporting banana producers in the recycling chain. By 2025, it expects to increase their income by nearly five times.
Additionally, NESsT will accompany Plastic Corp in financial management, business operations, and governance to improve its decision-making processes.