W skrócie

Lokalizacja: Peru

Obszary oddziaływania: Zrównoważony dochód, Rolnicy małorolni

Osoby objęte wsparciem:
drobni producenci rolni

W Portfolio NESsT od:


Located in the jungle areas of central and eastern Peru, Kulkao sources cocoa from over 400 smallholder farmers living in the remote regions of the Amazon basin, purchasing their cocoa at prices typically higher than the market price. Its products include cocoa butter, cocoa powder, and cocoa nibs that are sold to local and international markets such as Europe and North America.

Kulkao udziela rolnikom wsparcia technicznego w zakresie rolnictwa ekologicznego i zrównoważonych praktyk rolniczych, oferując im jednocześnie wyższą cenę za ich produkty ekologiczne. Przedsiębiorstwo społeczne utrzymuje ścisły kontakt z rolnikami i przeprowadza wizyty w gospodarstwach, podczas których zespół techniczny nadzoruje regularne badania gruntów rolnych i dzieli się wiedzą na temat zarządzania glebą w celu utrzymania wysokiej jakości i poziomu produkcji. 

To safeguard against the damage of non-organic pesticides and other chemicals, Kulkao carries out several stages of quality testing in its certified organic processing plant. Its quality control procedures guarantee traceability, allowing the social enterprise to pinpoint sources of contamination and work with farmers to improve their practices. 

In addition to strengthening smallholder farming communities, Kulkao also improves the livelihoods of rural Peruvian communities in Huánuco, Ucayali, Cajamarca and Junin by providing workers from these areas quality employment opportunities with stable income. Kulkao currently employs 50 workers from rural areas in its processing plant and administration team.

Podczas pandemii Covid-19 zespół zarządzający Kulkao szybko zareagował na przepisy dotyczące kwarantanny, wdrażając protokoły BHP i wydając niezbędne zezwolenia na kontynuowanie działalności.

Rezultaty i wpływ 


wspierani drobni producenci rolni


higher income for suppliers compared to the informal market


of suppliers supported are women

We are very excited to renew our partnership with NESsT. Their support is not only key for the growth and sustainability of Kulkao’s business but also to ensure the supply of organic cocoa beans from our farmers.
— Paul Ramírez, General Manager of Kulkao

Inwestycja NESsT

With its cocoa value chain, Kulkao plans to increase the income of its rural farmers. In 2021, NESsT provided Kulkao with a working capital to support the social enterprise’s sustainability practices, increase its organic production capacity, and strengthen its position in the cocoa industry in Peru. 

Kulkao was able to repay this loan in full in accordance with the NESsT loan schedule. This was made possible by maintaining strong relationships with local farmers and developing a robust customer portfolio. 

In 2023, NESsT approved a second loan to Kulkao. This loan will support the social enterprise to continue to purchase cacao beans from local farmers committed to organic, sustainable practices. It will also give Kulkao the resources to boost production capacity and operations at its processing plant in Huánuco. As part of NESsT’s portfolio, the Kulkao team will also extend its technical support to more women and Indigenous farmers.