Impact investing is fueling the emergence of social entrepreneurship around the world. With more capital, entrepreneurs can more readily tackle poverty and global inequities. Transforming structural inequities can help us to achieve collective mindfulness.
Join us for a private reception at the Royal Academy of Arts to explore how social entrepreneurship and impact investment are shaping the standards of global partnerships to prioritize people and our biodiversity.
The reception is organized by NESsT, which has supported 14,000 entrepreneurs in 50 countries over the past 20 years. NESsT hosts networking receptions globally to expose influential business leaders to impact investing and to engage them to take action.
Główny prelegent
Mervyn Davies
Lord Davies of Abersoch, CBE
Lord Davies is a Partner and the Chairman of Corsair Capital, a private equity firm specialising in financial services. He is also the Chairman of LetterOne, an Adviser to Teneo and the Chairman of UK India Business Council.
Lord Davies ma szeroki zakres zainteresowań, między innymi jest przewodniczącym Royal Academy of Arts Trustees. Od stycznia 2009 r. do maja 2010 r. był ministrem handlu, inwestycji, małych przedsiębiorstw i infrastruktury.
Wcześniej pełnił funkcję Prezesa, a wcześniej Dyrektora Generalnego i przez ponad 12 lat zasiadał w Zarządzie Standard Chartered.
W czerwcu 2002 r. został odznaczony CBE za zasługi dla sektora finansowego i społeczności Hongkongu, gdzie przez siedem lat pełnił funkcję członka funduszu HK Exchange. Lord Davies jest również JP w Hongkongu.
Lord Davies jest żonaty, ma dwoje dzieci i płynnie posługuje się językiem walijskim.
Featured Panelists
Nicole Etchart
Nicole has over 30 years of experience in international development and entrepreneurship. She spearheads NESsT´s strategy, growth and impact worldwide including entrance to eleven countries and diversification of portfolio to new target markets and financial instruments.
Nicole jest autorem i redaktorem licznych publikacji, studiów przypadku, przewodników prawnych, ocen i artykułów dotyczących rozwoju środowiska sprzyjającego i mechanizmów wsparcia dla przedsiębiorstw społecznych w krajach rynków wschodzących.
Dzięki swojej pracy, Nicole zwiększyła widoczność i znaczenie przedsiębiorczości społecznej i filantropii wysokiego ryzyka na skalę międzynarodową.
Alexandre Messina
Pedala | Brazil
Alexandre co-founded Pedala in 2015 and currently focuses on new partnerships, among them Lojas Americanas, Nespresso, Submarino, Reserva, and Farm.
Pedala is the largest eco-delivery company in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Since 2015, it has delivered more than 300,000 packages by training and hiring people from low-income backgrounds as bicycle couriers. The company helps them to increase their incomes and access employment benefits.
In addition to ensuring dignified employment, Pedala reduces the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (80 tons conserved to date).
Bob Annibale
Global Director of Citi Community Development
Founder of Citi Inclusive Finance
Bob is Global Director of Citi Community Development and Founder of Citi Inclusive Finance, which lead Citi’s commitment to expanding financial inclusion and economic opportunities for lower-income and underserved communities.
He serves on the U.S. FDIC Advisory Committee on Economic Inclusion, the Mexican Ministry of Foreign Affairs Advisory Council on Financial Education and Inclusion, and on the boards of the Citi Foundation, Acción International and the Bedford Stuyvestant Restoration Corporation.
Under Bob’s leadership, Citi was named by Euromoney as its inaugural “Best Bank for Financial Inclusion.”
In 2014, he was honored by the Obama Administration as a White House Champion of Change for his work leading Citi’s programs promoting immigrant integration in the U.S. and, in 2018, Bob was recognized by Euromoney as a “Global Impact Banking Champion” and by the Financial Times as one of the OUTStanding Top 100 LGBT Business Leaders for the fifth consecutive year.
06:30 PM - Networking, hors d’oeuvres, and wine
07:30 PM - Keynote and panel. Featured speakers discuss local to global social entrepreneurship.
08:00 PM - Q&A
08:15 PM - Networking, desserts, and wine
For any inquiries, please contact Nathalie Figueroa at nfigueroa[at]nesst[dot]org.